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The present exhibition is worthy of interest due to the fact that there is a double safety glass –the display-window of the gallery- in between the two planes. As a result, an internal state of the transformation can be seen on this glass surface: the projected pixels are quadrupled, resulting in the SON sign being visible above the FATHER sign as well, but upside down. To make the light streams visible, we used smoke machines indoors, and a smoke bomb called smoketube outside. The smell of the latter is quite a borderline case :)

The purpose of the event was to document the project for a scholarship, in the presencce of a few friends and some guests, including artists Emese Benczúr and Balázs Beöthy, who even wrote a recommendation for the project. The signs were already in Hungarian. During refitting, the laser stands got a complete nickel-plating in and out, in order to finally become rustproof.

The first tryout-presentation took place on the last day of the workshop organized by Balázs Kovács (XRC). The signs were still in English, and the fact that I could only secure the structure with wires, and that we could not project on a flat surface made things more difficult. All in all, it was hard to put the project together, but the result was very good; it worked. Moreover, I have had the luck to meet Balázs Beöthy, who drew my attention to the Joseph Kossuth approach, the idea of which is that a piece of art should always be exhibited in the language of its media.